Goodbye project8/31/2022In this program, user presses buttons to display goodbye in selected language. we learned how to use buttons, picture boxes, and labels. |
About Page9/2/2022In this program we learned the basics about buttons and labels by making an about page for a website. |
Madlibs9/9/2022In this program we learned how to concatenate user inputs to make a madlibs. |
Car Rental9/12/2022We had to make an agency that rents cars to people. We calculated the cost of each rental using miles driven and the number of days the car was used. |
BMI9/22/2022We made a program that calculated the user's BMI when they inputted their hieght and weigth. |
Test score program9/30/2022We made a program that when given two test scores, we calculate the grade they get, the higher score, and the average of both of them. |
Dice Game10/4/2022Dice game generates 2 random numbers and whatever the number is, is what the dice will show up as . |
Craps Dice Game10/11/2022A Dice Game that also keeps track of points. |
Triangle Checker10/19/2022Three side lengths are entered, then the program tells you if the shape is a triangle and what type of triangle it is. |
Slot Machine11/3/2022You enter money to play, 3 random images are generated, if you get the sam three images you win. |
Taco Truck11/15/2022A taco shop where you can buy tacos with several different options for them. It also calculates the cost depending on the options selected. |
2D Submarine program1/20/2023A submarine and a shark randomly move on an array, if the shark meets the sub, the sub sinks. |
Tic-Tac-Toe2/8/2023We recreate the game tic tac toe using an array. |
Basic AI2/17/2023You control a character using key presses, and you have to defeat an enemy by firing a projectile. |
Star field2/28/2023We use an array of stars and move them in a certain way to give the illusion that we are moving through space. |
AI upgrade3/20/2023This is Basic AI but we make an array of enemies that move toward the player at the same time with each one having a health bar. |
Final Project3/28/2023My final project, lazer maze. Instructions are in the program. | < |